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Open to all topics of all disciplines

Presentation sessions will be designed disciplinary and topic themed


Abstract Submission Deadline:  October 5, 2024

Registration & Payment Deadline: October 1-10, 2024

Program Announcement Date: October 13, 2024

Full Text Submission Deadline: October 30, 2024

(full text submission is not mandatory)

Proceeding Publication Date: November 10, 2024


We offer 2 forms of participation.

In Person Participation: Toronto Conference Venue

Online participation via  ZOOM. For online participation you will be informed one week before about ID and password.


Conference major language is English. However papers and presentations in Spanish, Turkish and Russian are also possible.


Online  Conference participation fee: 40 USD 

In Person participation fee: 300 USD 

(If you would like to join in conference in person after receiving an email that your abstract has been accepted you need to make 40 USD of payment for getting official acceptance letter. By using this letter you can apply for Canada Visa. After obtaining Canadian Visa you need to pay the rest -260 usd- of total amount

For 40 usd payment via kredit card click the link

For 260 usd payment via credit card click the link


Fee includes

- Participation of all authors,

- Certificates for all authors

- Conference proceedings e-book (ISBN)

- Coffea break (for in person participants) 


After making your pre-payment of congress participation we will send you an acceptance. By using this acceptance you can apply for visitor visa for Canada

For more information about Canada Visa please visit the page below


Toronto Conference Center

1200 Bay Street Suite 202, Toronto, ON M5R 2A5


We don't provide any hotel. You can book a hotel of your choice that suits your budget.


1- Send your abstract to via email until October 5, 2024. Your abstract should be in doc/word format. 

2- Evaluation process takes about 1-3 days. You will be informed about referee decision within 3 days

3- If your paper is accepted we will send you a notification email. After receiving acceptance email please make your payment via credit card (you will be informed about payment link). After making your payment you will receive your acceptance letter

4- Presentation program announcement day is October 13, 2024 in this page. Program includes zoom ID and passwords (for online participants)

5- Full text submission is not mandatory. We can publish only abstract also. However if you would like us to publish your full text in proceedings book please send your full text by October 30, 2024 as word/doc format to


Abstract writing rules

- Times New Roman, 12 pt, word format

- All authors titles, name-surnames, institutes, email adresses and Orcids

- At least 3 keywords

- Presentation & Submission languages: english, portuguese, spanish, turkish, russian


Full Texts writing rules

Writing styles are same as abstract. Other regulations (such as margin etc) will be done by publishing house.


Hard copy certificates are dilivered to face to face participants just after presentation

PDF certificates are sent to online participants afterthe presentation.


Proceedings E-book will be published with  ISBN on November 10, 2024.  

In addition to proceedings books, we are willing to prepare a special issue in partnering journals.  

The chance to publish your manuscript as an international scientific books Chapter

by internationally recognized publishing houses

Liberty Academic Books-


2nd International

Canadian Scientific Research Congress

October 24-25, 2024

Toronto, Canada

online and in person participation

Organizing and Scientific Committees

Dr. Hasan YAVUZ

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkiye, Ambassador

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hilal ÜRÜŞAN ALTUN

Ataturk University

Dra. Felipa Sánchez Pérez

Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Güray ALPAR

General, President of the Institute of Strategic Thinking (SDE), Turkiye

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Göktuğ KAYA

Chief Tax Inspector of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Turkiye

Dra. Francisca Silva Hernández

Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México

Mtro. Gerardo Humberto Arévalo Reyes
Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnologia del Estado de Tabasco, México

Dr. Firuz FEVZİ

Toronto Yunus Emre Institute

Dr. Germán Martínez Prats

Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México

Dr. Rafael Ricardo Renteria Ramos

Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD, Colombia

Dr. Lenida Lekli

Aleksander Xhuvani University, Department of Foreign Languages

Dr. Ragif Huseynov

Managing Director of Khazar Educational Center, Azerbaijan


Prof. Ms. Guilherme Alves Grubertt

Doutorando em Educação Física - UEL (Universidade Estadual de Londrina)

Assoc. Prof. Hatice BURÇİN ŞOLT

Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Ünversity 

Prof. Dr. Ana CAMPINA (PhD) – Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal.


Prof. Dr. Carlos RODRIGUES (PhD) - Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan NAKTİYOK
Ataturk University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Güray ALPAR

General, Institute of Strategic Thinking, Ankara

Dr. Charu DUREJA

Rayat College of Law, Panjab University

PhD. PJosé G. Vargas-Hernández

University of Guadalajara

Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Staykov
New Bulgarian University, Sofia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cynthia Correa

University of São Paulo

Dr. Anju Lis KURIAN

Mahatma Gandhi University

Prof. Selden Harris

Norfolk State University


Monika Thakur

Amity University Noida,U.P.India

Mr. Desmond Bala Bisandu
Artificial Intelligence, Cranfield University, UK)


Northeastern Illinois University 

Assoc.Prof. Dr. F. Gül KOÇSOY

Fırat University, Turkey

Carlos Mauricio Tosca Vidal

Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara

José Alfredo Gil Alipi

Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara

Dr. Lenida Lekli

Aleksander Xhuvani University, Department of Foreign Languages

Dr. Elżbieta Patkowska

University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland

Dr. Mumtaz Zabeen Khan

Rayat college of law, Railmajra (Punjab) India

Our scientific committee is beign updated. If you want to be the member of committee, please send your CV to ___________until 1st April 2024.


Dr. Komakech Daniel

Gulu University, Uganda

Dr. Meenakshi Bansal

J.V.M.G.R.R. College, Charkhi Dadri, Haryana

Dr. Charu DUREJA

Rayat College of Law, Panjab University

Dr. Anju Lis KURIAN

Mahatma Gandhi University

Dr. Irshad ULLAH   

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Islamabad                                                                                                              

Dr. Prachi V. Motiyani

University School of Law, Gujarat University

Dr. Moses Saviour IORUNGWA

University of Agriculture, Benue State/Makurdi

Dr. Golden Chizimba Msilimba 

Vice Chancellor, Exploits University, Malawi

Dr. Nigussie Afesha 

Constitutional Law, Andhra University

Dr Henry .C Unaeze

University of Nigeria, Nsukka,Enugu State

Dr. Zelalem Eshetu Degifie

Wollo University, school of law, Ethiopia 

Muhammad Suleman Nasir,

Department of Islamic Studies and Arabic, Gomal University


PhD. Manotar Tampubolon

Christian University


Assist. Prof. Pyali Chatterjee

MATS University


Dr Günseli Gümüşel

Atılım University 

Dr. Uchenna David Uwakwe

Federal University of Technology 

Dr. Ijaz Ahmad

MM Pakistan Lahore Agronomy


Dr. Ramazan Şener

Batman University, Turkey

Mohamed El Malki

Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco

Assoc. Prof. Rıdvan Koçyiğit 

Atatürk University, Turkey

Dr. Raul Duarte Salgueiral Gomes Campilho

ISEP – School of Engineering, Porto, Portugal

Dr. Karrar Abdulelah Alkhaldy

University of Kufa, Iraq

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neslihan CELEBİ

Ataturk University

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